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What To Do If Your Dog Has Swollen Ear Flap Allergies

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Tim Rhodes

Allergic dogs are widespread for such a reason so, are dog swollen ear flap allergies.

Allergies can be produced due to a series of reasons.

First, the essential part will be to determine if the swollen ear inflammation represents an allergic reaction or the cause of some other bodily reaction.

The cause for swollen ear flaps can range from bacteria, yeast, mites, bite wounds, hematomas, food, or allergies.

Identifying the symptoms represents the essential part of treating the dog properly.

What To Do If Your Dog Has Swollen Ear Flap Allergies

The article aims to help understand, identify, and effectively help treat the dog’s ear infection or allergies.

Be ready and willing to ask a veterinarian for help and advice.

What Аre Аllergies

Allergies are a state of very high reactivity, also known as hypersensitivity from the immune system due to consuming a substance that causes that reaction.

That substance is called an allergen.

Most allergens represent proteins acquired from plants, foods, animals, or in some cases, insects.

Being exposed to an allergic substance on several occasions across time, maybe months or years makes the immune system hypersensitive to the allergen and causes what is known as an over-reaction.

At first, the dog’s body’s normal immune reaction to combat infection and disease becomes harmful to the body.

Allergies are considered a non-necessary reaction to an excellent foreign substance.

Immune system reactions that relate to allergic processes are very complex.

Most common reactions are caused by an allergen combining with antibodies and later fusing into a cell that scientists call a mast cell.

Regularly mast cells can be found in a significant number of tissues all across the dog’s body.

When antibodies react to mast cells, they release potent chemicals.

Those chemicals are what we call histamines that are the cause of inflammations, swelling, itching, and other common signs of allergic reactions.

Types Of Allergies On Dogs

There are different types of allergies in dogs so that various factors can cause them. Let us take a look at them.


Dermatitis is an allergic reaction to flea or tick bites.

It’s one of the most common causes of allergic reactions in dogs, the most common one in the United States.

Occurs typically during the summer months or prolonged warm weather periods.

The allergies occur when a flea or tick bites and injects its saliva into the dog’s body.

Most dog’s bodies react to this substance and get irritated or itchy skin.

Season Allergies

Allergic reaction caused by weather change, usually when plants, grass, and trees release their spores and pollen to fertilize other plants.

Allergies To Human Food

One prevalent cause of dog allergies representing almost 10% of cases.

The allergic reaction occurs when a dog’s body identifies a particular human food as harmful.

Many human foods such as vegetables, fruits, soy, wheat, and dairy can cause this reaction.

Allergies To Dog Food

It’s also common for dogs to be allergic to their food.

This usually happens due to the content of specific ingredients on their food.

This represents an immune response, particularly to the dog, and may not be due to the brand of food provided.

This reaction may be caused by a specific ingredient and is likely to repeat itself across different brands.

Allergies To The Environment

Caused by being in contact with plants or other agents in the environment

Home allergies

These allergic reactions are caused by the dog’s interaction with substances commonly found in the household.

These substances may include rubber, plastic, cleaning products, perfume, fabrics, even smoke from cigarettes.

Medical Allergies

Allergies can also be caused by substances supposed to help our dogs and prescribed by veterinarian professionals.

In these cases, it’s useful to keep a log of what medication the dog takes.

Signs Of Allergies On A Dog

Several signs indicate that a dog is suffering from allergies, such as dog swollen ear flap allergies.

Noticing the dog scratching at their ears or seeing your dog shaking their head more often than usual.

The dog often drags a side of their head along your carpets or furniture, trying to scratch at their ear flaps.

A foul smell or a foul odor is coming from the ear of the dog.

Redness on the inside inner earflap or also coming from their ear canal.

Pain resulting from touching the dog’s ear may whimper or complain when the ear is connected.

The presence of crusting or scabbing in the earflap, the result of constant scratching with their paws.

So, let’s see at the dog’s ear composition.

The Outer Ear

It is made by the ear flap or pinna and the ear canal.

The pinna is the part made of cartilage and covered by skin, fur, and hair, and also the ear canal.

The earflap can either be upright or floppy.

The pinna’s shape allows the dog to capture sound waves and takes them through the ear canal to the eardrum.

Dogs’ pinnae are mobile and may be moved independently from each other.

The dog’s ear canal is much deeper than a person’s ear canal and helps the dog have a much better funnel from which to carry sound directly to its eardrum.

An average dog hears as much as 4times better than an average person or human, which includes sounds invisible to normal human ears.

The Middle Ear

It is made by the eardrum and a small chamber filled with air containing three tiny bones: the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup.

The eardrum is extraordinarily fragile and can be easily damaged during ear cleaning or due to ear infections.

The inner ear also includes two muscles named the oval window, and the other called the eustachian tube.

The eustachian tube connects the middle and back nose, permitting air to enter and flow to the middle ear from the nose.

The Inner Ear

A complex series makes it of structures, including the cochlea and the organ of balance, known as the vestibular system.

The inner ear connects directly with the brain.

Examining The Ears Of A Dog

To check for ear flap allergies, it’s essential to be careful and follow proper instructions.

Most dogs’ ears are much larger than human ears and much more sensitive, and most dogs do not appreciate having their ears touched.

Some may be happy to sit on your lap or a table next to you, but most will require some form of restraint.

Due to pain or soreness, a dog may be in pain and even become aggressive when you try to check their ears.

Dogs frequently develop allergies on their ears, so it’s best to train when they are healthy to allow easy access to their ears.

Be sure your dog is restrained using a muzzle made out of materials such as nylon or plastic, and be sure your dog is leashed so you can control him more easily.

Offer the dog a treat he likes with one hand, and with your free hand, reach for the ear you’re aiming to check; try this several times to see if the dog remains unflinching to ensure success.

Reward your dog from not flinching with the treat of your choice.

If the dog is healthy and not in pain, you will get results from the above procedure in a single day.

However, if your dog is very shy or in pain, it may take several attempts or training sessions to achieve the check-up, don’t give up.

Do not give the dog the food treat or prize if he remains uncooperative.

A beneficial technique is to do this training when your dog is hungry and be more receptive to the treat’s smell and shape.

If your dog remains uncooperative or aggressive, you could try to use topical anesthetic ointment or ask your veterinarian for professional help.

Diagnosing Your Dog’s Ear Flap Allergies

Diagnosing your dog’s ear flap allergies is better done with the help of your preferred veterinarian professional.

Environmental allergic agents may cause allergies, and those can be classified as dust mites, pollens, or various forms of molds.

Food products are also a prevalent cause of allergies in dogs and may very frequently cause the ears’ redness and itchiness.

Allergies can often lead to an infection in the dog’s ear canal, extending to the ear flap in the dogs’ outer ear.

Other signs of ear flap allergies may include affectations or redness in other parts of the dog’s body, such as the face, the armpits, the groin, and the feet.

Veterinarians are very useful for diagnosing allergies based on inspecting signs and the dog’s history and ruling out other causes.

A veterinarian professional may diagnose food allergies through a strict diet trial, which must closely adhere to the veterinarian’s directions and guidance.

The veterinarian will also need to consider the dog’s medical record and history to discard possible medical allergies.

Allergies may represent long term conditions that can usually require a life-long commitment to managing.

Insect bites from animals such as mosquitoes, flies, or fleas can cause inflammation to the dog’s skin, and this is also known as dermatitis.

Insect bites will often cause small, red, and round bumps and raised and leave the dog with bloody crusts that itch.

In mosquitoes, flies, or flea bites, tissue changes are found either on the tips or the outer ear flap’s surface.

Choosing The Right Veterinarian To Help An Allergic Dog

Ask a friend or acquaintance for personal recommendations.

One of the absolute better ways to find a good veterinarian for our dog is to ask friends, family members, neighbors, or acquaintances for recommendations.

Look For A Veterinarian Experienced In Treating Dogs

Veterinarians are not all the same.

There are many different types of veterinarian professionals who specialize in working with several different kinds of animals.

You need a veterinarian who possesses specific skills working with dogs; a good tip is to ask the veterinarian beforehand.

Look For A Licensed Veterinarian Professional

Most people assume this is a given, but it may not always be the case.

Ask the veterinarian if he is licensed and if all other veterinarian technicians are licensed too.

Ask the veterinarian their approach to medicine.

The veterinarian is not just there for administering your dog with medicine, and he’s there to provide care and nurture.

Before making a choice, have a conversation with your potential veterinarian to ask them how they manage dogs and prevention issues.

Consider The Cost

The cost will vary depending on the veterinarian of your choice.

Check their prices and rates to see if they fit into your budget before committing to treating your dog with them.

Consider The Location

Try to choose a veterinarian who is close to your house, so in case of an emergency, the dog’s clinic is no more than an hour away from your home.

Choose A Professional You’re Comfortable With

One of the most important things is choosing a veterinarian who is kind and makes you comfortable discussing your dog’s issues around him.

Your dog should also be comfortable, submissive, and non-aggressive around your veterinarian of choice.

Homemade remedies to treat allergies

There are specific remedies that you can have at home to use to help your loved ones.

Let us take a look at them.

Tea Soaks

Teas such as green tea, calendula, or chamomile contain properties that may soothe and refresh the dog’s irritated and itchy skin.

For smaller itchy patches, such as the ear flap, it’s useful to steep two or three tea bags in a cup with hot water then applying with a piece of cloth or soft fabric once it has cooled down.

This is also useful if the dog is itchy, not just in the ear flap but all over.

You can fill a tub or sink with hot water and steep three or four tea bags, let cool and proceed to let your dog soak in the brew for five to ten minutes.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Water Mix

Apple vinegar is a natural and safe remedy to help relieve the dog’s itchy ear.

Apple cider vinegar has antiseptic properties, so it’s perfect for removing pollen and other such substances from the dog’s ear.

Try to avoid this method if the dogs have any exposed injuries on the earflap, and the vinegar can cause burning or further irritation on the dog’s open wound.

Coconut Oil

Dogs suffering from allergies, insect bites, and even insect bites and stings can benefit from the application of coconut oil.

Put the coconut oil either on the fridge or in a dry place so it turns solid and then proceeds to apply to the area that presents redness or itchiness.

Oatmeal Bath

Grind oatmeal into powder and sprinkle on the dog’s bath.

After the oatmeal has set, let the dog soak in the tub or the sink for ten to fifteen minutes, this will help with redness and itchiness.

You can also grind the oatmeal, add a little bit of water and turn it into a paste, then proceed to spread over the affected area.

Natural Remedies To Treat Allergies

Besides the homemade ones, there are also some natural remedies that you can use, so let us take a look.


Research has newly shown that dogs suffering from red, dry, and allergic itchy skin have greatly improved when supplemented daily with biotin.

Biotin can be found as a supplemental powder or as a supplement in materials such as brewers yeast.

It is commonly used in animal medical fields even though it was invented for human use.

Biotin has proven very effective in treating allergies in up to 30% of dogs in which they were used.


Yucca is a plant with natural anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties that help the immune system function optimally.

It is handy for dogs because it is natural and doesn’t have side effects.

Yucca should be used as a supplement and given daily for the treatment of allergies.

Yucca can be provided to the dog as a concentrated liquid medication beneficial for treating allergies that include redness and itchy skin.

Fatty Acids

Research shows that fatty acids are incredibly beneficial for treating allergies in dogs.

There is an excellent variety of fatty acids, such as Omega-3 or Omega-6.

Fatty acids are provided in the form of concentrated liquid or soft chew.

This treatment helps not every pet; only 15% of dogs are.

This treatment may take from three to six weeks to take full effect.

Fatty acids are natural and provide one of the safest and side effect free options for treating dog allergies.

When fatty acids are used in conjunction with other natural remedies such as Biotin, they improve their effectiveness.

Fatty acids help the skin reduce the quantity and the effects of histamine released in the body due to allergies.

Medications For Treating Dog Allergies

Medication should be prescribed by a veterinary professional.


Steroids have a very high range of effectiveness in treating allergic symptoms such as severe itchy skin or pain.

Steroids can be supplied to the dog by injecting them orally via a steroid pill or topically, in the form of a topical steroid cream.

Steroid treatment begins typically at very high doses, and then the frequency is slowly reduced to amounts every other day.

Steroids are safe if prescribed and given to the dog in the suggested amounts but can often lead to overuse.

They may possess side effects such as increased aggressiveness, irritability, increased appetite, increased urination frequency and amount, thinning of the skin, vomiting, diarrhea, and liver damage.

Medicated Shampoo And Conditioner

Shampoos and conditioners may be useful in providing the dog with relief to their allergies.

Relief is usually short term but immediate.

Medicated shampoos and conditioners naturally contain oatmeal, tea tree oil, herbs, coal tar, micronized sulfur, or salicylic acid.

They offer one of the most practical ways for treating localized itching, such as that of ear flaps.

Usually, these products are not absorbed into the bloodstream, so they don’t have a high chance of producing side effects, either short or long term.


Aspirin is commonly used in dogs to control inflammation caused by allergic reactions.

It can be used to provide significant relief to the discomfort of itchiness and inflammation.

Aspirin is at its most beneficial when used alongside other treatments.

This type of pill is best given after the dog’s full meal and including an anti acidic drug to prevent lousy digestion.

Aspirin is best given once or twice a day.

This is a very safe and side effect free option.

Preventing Allergies In Dogs

Allergies are a widespread reaction in dogs, so prevention represents one if not the best way to deal with allergies.

Looking for signs of scabbing and injuries on the dog skin when grooming and looking for fleas is critical to prevent dermatitis reactions.

When grooming, it’s helpful to look behind the dog’s ear flaps or between his paws to check for the presence of ticks or fleas.

It’s useful for flea and tick prevention to provide the dog with a preventive product such as an anti-flea collar or anti-flea pills such as Bravecto.

Bathing regularly with anti-flea and anti-allergic shampoo is another useful technique for preventing allergies since it helps remove allergens from the dog’s body.

Cleaning and wiping the dog’s ear flaps with hypoallergenic baby wipes are also a great way to help the dog be allergen-free.

Consult your veterinarian of choice about supplementing your dog with fish oil.

Fish oil helps to strengthen the dog’s natural skin defenses and helps protect against inflammation.

Final Thoughts

As a prominent and typical problem with dog swollen ear flap allergies, we can see that they are fixable and preventable.

There’s a vast range of options from which to pick to deal with allergies, be persistent, and the problem will be fixed.

Remedies can range from natural to medical.

We can see ear flap irritation is commonly a sign of more significant issues to the dog’s immune system; usually, it’s not a localized problem.

Having a trusted veterinarian professional on whom to count is the most important thing to deal with a dog’s allergies.

Do not give the dog any medicine or treatment without first consulting with your veterinarian of choice.

Always check your dog for signs of allergies; it’s better to be safe and able to tell early than to be sorry later.

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