10 Worst Dogs For Allergies
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Dog being man’s best friend, are the most loved animals across the globe but when it comes to allergies there might be a problem, here we have the worst dogs for allergies that can cause you health problems.
They are loved because of their friendly nature and their loyalty to their owner.
However, if you own or consider a dog as a pet in your house, then you should be aware of allergies that can be caused by the dogs.
Symptoms’ of allergies caused by dogs are runny nose, itching, and sneezing.
Asthma attacks and hives are severe allergic reactions because of dogs.
10 Worst Dogs For Allergies Reviewed
Many suffer from mild to severe allergies due to dead skin flakes, saliva, fur, and other toxins or allergens that can trigger reactions.
It can depend upon the type of dog which triggers more allergic reactions, listed below are the worst dogs for allergies that you should be aware of.
1. The Great Pyrenees
This large and impressive dog stands at a staggering height of 32 inches and can weigh up to a hefty 100 pounds or more.
This breed of dog, which is commonly quite big, is usually called a relaxed and mild dog.
The breed has been used widely to guard sheep, is an excellent guard dog, and has even been known to stand guard over family pets.
The Pyrenees originates from France and is a superb watchdog to own as they’ll gain speed in a short burst if they feel threatened or attacked in any way.
This breed of dog often has two coats, including a rough outer coat, with a thick undercoat.
The amount of fur shed by this breed can be substantial indeed, so keeping a broom and vacuum around to prevent any kind of contact is a must.
This mixture can result in insane amounts of fur shedding throughout the day, which also results in dander shedding further.
It will be a huge factor for people who suffer from allergies.
They may be excellent for the families, but not so great for sensitive allergy sufferers.
It’s recommended that this mammoth of a dog needs continuous attention as they shed a lot of skin and dander, so one should be well prepared to handle these situations.
2. Pomeranian
It is an active breed of dog that you will see in many homes commonly.
This toy breed is full of fun and is recognized by its “fluffy” appearance, making them irresistible to several individuals.
Pomeranian being the descendant of the ancient Spitz dogs was discovered in Iceland and Lapland regions and had a heavy double coat, with a thick plumed tail.
As a companion, they are a delight to own, not only a great breed to have but also a great watchdog.
They are alert, quick to perceive an intruder, and their ‘yappy’ bark will wake the owners up in no time.
When the Pomeranians are excited, they urinate on the floor, which can result in an allergic reaction.
As they are playful and loving, the Pomeranian breed does not drool but is known to shed skin at a high rate.
It may result in major shedding, together with the dander that may come off the fur similarly.
Allergens can spread through the air into the house; if the mess created by them is not cleaned properly, the allergy sufferers will be in distress.
3. German Shepherd
The German Shepherd breed can often get a bad reputation for being aggressive, especially since they are often used as patrolling dogs on forces throughout the world.
They are amongst the most popular dog breeds.
They’re smart, desperate to please, devoted, and brave.
They are working dogs having a stellar reputation regarding their loyalty to their owners.
German Shepherds are easy to train and are very good companions.
Because of their great intellect and resilience, they have often been seen on the silver screen, from impersonating wolves to screen stars in their regard.
This dog has two coats, an outer coat, and a significant undercoat.
Both of the coats are dense and bushy.
They require daily scrubbing with a shedding rake.
They constantly shed throughout the year and have no main shedding season; they’re also known as excessive shedders.
Whether you get along or a short-haired German Shepherd Dog, expect their hairs to spread everywhere, especially during their bi-annual coat blow.
A big dog like a German Shepherd that sheds masses of hair inevitably ends up in plenty of dander being released into the environment.
Unsurprisingly it means they’re going to trigger bad allergic reactions.
Due to the high slough rate of their skin cells, they are extremely allergic to dogs.
In comparison, the fur itself is not an issue, the fact that it holds so many dead skin cells and other allergens.
Though a fan-favorite breed but one of the most demanding breeds for upkeep.
If you are looking to buy a German shepherd, then you should be mentally prepared to handle dead skin cells.
4. Pekingese
This breed of dog originates from China and is known as the “Little Lion Dog”.
For people with allergies, this breed of dog is not suggested for typical reasons in a home.
The dogs now famous in dog shows and homes are all the descendants of five Pekingese dogs brought to Great Britain in the 1860s, who lived with the British Royal family.
It’s a favorite fan breed because of their affectionate, loyal, and strong personalities.
Pekingese dogs have elegant fur and adorable faces but are not the recommended choice for those people suffering from dog allergies.
They are mostly causing accidents in the house and are hard to house train.
The Pekingese is a stubborn toy breed.
Their long, shedding coat can cause a problem for allergy sufferers.
However, if not trained properly, their urine on drying can turn into allergens.
Due to their stubborn nature, this breed is hard to train, which can leave the house messy and can lead to their fur and dander all over the house.
Keeping Pekingese is not an easy task, the house needs to be cleaned frequently, and the pet needs to be trained regularly, if appropriate precautions are not taken for Pekingese as pets, they can cause some allergic reactions.
Those who want Pekingese as a pet should train the dog properly to avoid allergic reactions.
5. Springer Spaniel
Springer Spaniel is a breed known for its flexibility, courage, and capability to navigate not only in water but also in the forest and rocky areas.
This breed was established to be a high tier sporting breed, equipped with an incomparable passion for exploring both the cold waters and lush woods.
Springer Spaniels are known for their stamina and their adaptability, specifically when it comes to being outdoors and being adventurous.
Springer Spaniels are companion dogs to have as an owner.
Springer Spaniel is an intelligent and sharp dog, which can be trained easily.
They are a fun and jolly breed.
Great companions for people who love hiking, camping, and swimming, then Springer Spaniel is the perfect companion for you.
Physically engineered to be an outdoor dog, compatible with cold weather and forest terrains.
Dandruff does fall off a lot of their skin as compared to the shedding of their skin.
They do shed fur but not as much, but they shed more dander than any other breed, which can be an issue for allergic people.
6. Alaskan Malamute
Originating from the western regions of Alaska, the Alaskan Malamute is an intelligent and spirited breed of dog that was bred into a working dog.
One of the most crafty and powerful working breeds.
Alaskan Malamute is one of the few breeds which have remained unaltered by breeding throughout the time and commonly known as the draught dog for the Malamute Tribe.
The Alaskan Malamute through its early history were used in moving sleds full of people, equipment, and supplies.
Considered to be one of the best family dogs and love to play and run around to discharge their excessive energy.
Their coat is very thick, residing in a warmer climate can be catastrophic for them.
Thus it is advised to find ways of keeping them cool during warm spells.
Though they love their families, they are infamous for being an explorer.
If left alone in the open, they tend to wander off, which can be a problem for the owner.
Alaskan Malamutes are extremely animated and are quite bright dogs that require exercise as well as a frequent mental stimulus.
So, it’s recommended that owners invest in a strong fence.
Alaskan Malamute has a thick double coat that sheds completely, blowing their coats twice a year, in spring and fall.
In a hot area, they will shed more coats due to excessive heat, intense shedding of both fur and dandruff that comes off their bodies.
It can be cruel for an allergy sufferer to have them in the home.
Regular cleaning of fur and the home is needed to avoid allergic reactions.
7. Newfoundland Dog
Newfoundland dogs are massive dogs.
It was originally bred to work in the water, having features such as webbed toes on its paws, with their thick, dense coats helps them adjust to water conditions.
Similar to the Saint Bernard breed, they are resolute, tough and known for their gentleness, this breed of working dog originated in the region of Newfoundland.
They were explicitly made and raised for the water, and as a result, have webbed feet and a heavy, dense coat.
Newfoundland’s dogs can carry backpacks and haul small carts, as some have been seen doing it.
People who enjoy camping in northern regions or swimming in lakes should consider Newfoundland dogs as a camping companion.
Having such a dense coat, they shed constantly.
Drooling is one of the features of the Newfoundland dog.
If near one, it’s recommended to carry a towel.
Their drool can contain dander.
For the owners, it can be an issue as they can suffer from allergies.
To sum it up though Newfoundland dog is a great breed, due to its drool and thick coat, it can be a nightmare for allergy sufferers.
Since the amount of dander and saliva they produce is high, it is not recommended to be kept as a pet for people with allergies.
8. English Bulldog
English Bulldog is associated with many cartoon characters and often seen in advertisements.
This breed has been symbolized in the media as a tough and blunt dog but, in reality, is a sweet, kind companion who loves to play and cuddle with its owner.
People are engulfed in those gentle brown eyes, soft furrowed skin, and calm behavior and are forced to hug such a cute and loveable animal.
English Bulldog has a very dark and violent history, and they were used in inhumane practices of baiting bulls and bears.
The skin of an English bulldog is home to different kinds of bacteria, e.g., Staphylococcus is one such strain of bacteria that is often the reason for a bacterial response in English bulldogs.
So it’s a major concern for the people who are allergic they might get infected.
The only solution for such bacterial reactions is the course of antibiotics.
That is why, if you sense excessive shedding without the regular seasonal change, it’s best to pay a visit to your vet.
The vet can prescribe you the right antibiotics to get rid of bacterial infections.
This kind of breed of dog is well known for their drooling and the increased saliva that they produce, with their short hair coats, they often shed a huge amount of dander.
All of these components can trigger severe allergic reactions, making it difficult for them to be kept in the home.
Bulldogs are known for their excessive drooling.
If you’re looking to buy a dog but are allergic to dog saliva, then steer clear of such breeds of dogs.
Irrespective of the type of dog, it is best to avoid any dog saliva touching your skin if you’re allergic.
Dogs tend to chew their toys and be covered with saliva; soak chewed toys in hot, soapy water once a week.
9. Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier is quite simply a dog built for pleasure, companionship, and cuddles.
The Boston Terrier had officially recognized the breed in 1893; it originated in the United States and is considered an American unique.
This dog breed has unique designs that are the same as tuxedos, white, and black.
These dogs are usually short, with solid, sturdy, muscular bodies.
Because of their intelligence, they are easy to train and are equally easy to fall in love with.
Boston Terriers are also prone to shedding high volumes of dander from their coats, and they also drool a huge amount of saliva.
Which they do quite frequently as well.
It makes them not an ideal dog for those who suffer from any allergies affiliated with dogs, as the allergens in the air from dander and the saliva that they drool could cause significant allergic reactions for the owner.
These issues emerge because of their excess shedding of dander.
Together with their drooling, it does not make them a perfect pet for people with allergies.
10. Pug
The pug, among the toy group of dog breeds, is small and short-coated, but that doesn’t mean they won’t trigger an allergy.
With their wrinkled, flat snout, they can be prone to gathering much drool around their jaws.
Their short fur is fawn or black, and their nose has a distinctive mask.
The pug has more skin on them, as indicated by the skin folds on their face.
The greater the skin equals, the greater the amount of dander they produce.
They were resulting in more symptoms in allergy sufferers.
Plus, their coat sheds year-round.
Pugs can also be likely to have sensitive skin.
They also cause some infections, e.g., Bacterial infections can develop in their skin folds.
Furthermore, this breed is additionally at risk of allergies.
It could end in dry skin, and more dander is going to shed as a result.
Pugs’ skin flakes or dander can cause allergy symptoms in people.
Pugs’ saliva is another symptom producer.
These dogs shed, and the fur they shed accumulates on you, your clothing, furniture, curtains, and floors which can leave you feeling miserable with allergic reactions
Man’s Best Friend
The time and energy spent by the dog owner on their pets make the pet more than just an animal for them.
A dog is not just a pet but a member of the family who brings happiness and absolute love.
Extra effort is needed to find the right breed dog for your allergy, the prep work is worthwhile.
Taking extra precautions to diminish exposure to dander and other allergens allows people with allergies the chance to enjoy the unconditional companionship of a man’s best friend.
Allergic Symptoms
Symptoms of allergies for pet owners are sneezing runny nose and frequent itching.
Having an allergy due to a man’s best friend is an unpleasant matter.
To counter such issues, it is advised to train your dogs regularly, so they are aware of what to do and what not to.
Allergic rhinitis is commonly caused by pet hair or pet dander, nearly 40 to 60 million Americans and more than 600 million people globally are affected by this chronic disease.
Allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever, happens when the body overreacts to something that does not cause a problem in other people.
The pets should be given baths regularly to take care of their fur and the dander they produce.
House should be cleaned regularly to stop the spread of allergens in the air and within the home.
By keeping the precautions mentioned above, one can counter the allergies caused by the dogs to a maximum effect.
Nevertheless, the owner should also take precautionary vaccinations to avoid allergic reactions.
Dog breeds that are well known for their drooling and the increased saliva that they produce, with their short hair coats, often shed a huge amount of dander.
All of these components can trigger severe allergic reactions, making it difficult for them to be kept in the home.
For these concerning issues, it is recommended to clean the drool of the dog constantly to avoid allergic reactions.
Here are few tips for dog owners to prevent pet allergies:
- Keeping dogs inside the house can be disastrous. clearing your house of allergens can take time if the dog is inside
- One way of reducing the dog dander and saliva throughout your home is by keeping your dog clean and bathe it weekly in warm waters
- Hire a pet groomer from your pet store to bathe your dog to reduce exposure to allergens
- Dander can accumulate on the dog’s bedding, so wash it weekly to remove excess dander
- Don’t let your dog in the bed, especially when at night for sleep
If you are looking to buy a pet and are not sure which breed to choose.
Adopting a pet is another great option.
Training your dog is important, and the groomer can help you with training your pet dog.
If you are a naturalist and prefer natural remedies.
We are looking for great dog care products.
Final Thoughts
Raising a dog is not an easy job.
You have to be well prepared for it.
It can be very challenging, but at the same time, it can also be rewarding.
You must be motivated to look for a dog that is just right for you.
Following the tips and tricks that we gave you will help a lot in your hunt for the right dog as your pet.
We hope that this article will help you find your dream pet dog and make you aware of the worst dogs for allergies.