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Greenies Dog Treats Review

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Tim Rhodes

If you’re a dog lover or just a dog owner, then it is quite expected that you will be interested in Greenies dog treats review. 

But if you don’t know what they are, this article will expound on everything you need to know about Greenies.

Greenies are dog treats that clean their (dogs) teeth and help rectify oral conditions and issues like bad breath and plaque.

Greenies are the best dental dog treats, although there were some issues a few years ago, which were solved.

Table of Contents

Greenies Dog Treats Reviewed

There’s a possibility you’ve heard about the uproar from pet owners a few years back who left bad reviews about Greenies complaining about their dogs’ digestive issues after chewing these treats.

The actual problem was that some pups would swallow the dog treats without chewing them, and they would get stuck in the digestive tract.

However, the Nutro Company solved this problem by producing dissolvable and highly soluble dog treats that work as perfectly as they used to, but this time they’re safer.

There are different Greenies dental products that work perfectly on dogs and are very beneficial to dogs’ oral health and body maintenance.

After Unpacking

This item comes in a packet with 27-count treats with vitamins and other valuable nutrients that are helpful to a dog’s body when it comes to weight management.

The packaging has all the ingredients listed and written in English, which helped me look for the specific ingredients used to make it.

I liked the idea of listing the ingredients because some dogs are allergic to some food.

Because if your dog is allergic to a specific ingredient, this listing will help you determine whether the dental treat is safe for your dog or not.


I liked the treats’ texture, and from the feel of their unique texture, there’s no doubt that this is digestible.

When touching it and trying to press it, it was soft, a quality that will help the dog’s teeth to sink up to the gum line also, and that’s going to remove the plaque on your dog’s teeth.

The treats could bend easily, which is quite beneficial to the dog, especially for better cleaning in the gumline.


The advantages of Greenies are simply the benefits that a dog derives from chewing these Greenies, and there are several of them, so let us take at them.

They Have Great Flavors

Just like human beings, dogs also like delicious food.

Because dogs cannot know the importance of dental hygiene, you have to trick them with something delicious and clean their teeth without them knowing.

These Greenies have a flavor that your dog will love, and so you won’t have a hard time making him/her chew them.

They even have different flavors like blueberry and chicken, so you can imagine how your dog will enjoy chewing the Greenies.

They Have Important Minerals

Minerals are essential when it comes to dogs and even other animals.

There are different kinds of minerals, and each one of them helps the body of an animal perform a unique function.

For example, the mineral calcium helps in the formation of bones and strengthens skeletal structures, so it’s a crucial mineral for puppies.

Others like manganese, iron, zinc, and copper help improve a dog’s digestive system, metabolic functions and aids in absorbing different nutrients into their body.

They Are Rich In Vitamins

Animals, just like humans, require vitamins for the growth of their bodies and their maintenance.

Although dogs don’t require vitamins in large amounts as humans do, these vitamins perform the same functions in both the human body and the dog.

Most of us knew carrots as eye care supplements growing up, but have you ever wondered what exactly is responsible for a good vision?

It is vitamin A, and surprisingly, it is one of the ingredients in dogs’ eye care supplements.

Others include vitamins B, C, D, and K, and each of them has a unique function to a dog’s body, different from others.

Design And Texture

For any product to work effectively, there must be research and study about the issues that the product is supposed to solve.

The study may be about the problem, its causes, why it occurs, how to develop a solution, and how it will solve that problem. 

In this case, you must have an in-depth knowledge of the dogs, jaws, teeth, and such things.

After many research, studies, and consultations from veterinarians, Greenies came up with different products in size and texture to suit different kinds of dogs depending on age, size, and breeds.

That’s why there are petite, regular, and teenies Greenies dog treats.

This helps dogs’ dental health because a pet owner chooses the type of treats that his/her dog can chew comfortably without straining.

There Are Special Treats Like Ones With Low Calories

Let’s agree on one thing, even for humans, gaining weight is much easier than losing weight, right?

Of course, yes, because you don’t have to do anything to gain weight, other than eating.

What about losing weight?

You have to do many physical exercises and skip a lot of meals to observe your weight.

It is the same for dogs; gaining weight is not hard, but making him/her shed some weight is quite some work. 

But Greenies has got you covered; they have a unique dog treat low in calories and fat to help your dog lose weight.

What more could you ask from them?

They Are Easily Digestible

Imagine what could happen if your dog chewed an insoluble treat that a dog’s digestive system cannot digest.

It’s terrible because some of them could get stuck in the digestive tract, and that could force you to pay for your dog’s surgery to remove the piece.

Greenies are highly soluble and digestible, and therefore, even if your dog accidentally swallows a real treat without chewing, it’s going to be digested.

Removes Plaque And Tartar

Every time a dog eats, some food particles remain and stick to its teeth.

When these food particles mix with the dog’s saliva, they lead to a formation of a whitish substance that, in most cases, sticks to the surface of their teeth.

This substance is called a plaque, which, with time, further mixes with the dog’s saliva to form a brownish substance called tartar.

Tartar makes your dog have bad breath and gum inflammation. 

Greenies dog treats texture allows the dog’s teeth to sink inside the treats up to the gum line, removing the plaque and the tartar.

Prevents Bad Breath

Removing tartar will indirectly prevent bad breath because it comes from fermented food particles in a dog’s teeth.

Once the treats remove the food particles, plaque, and tartar, the teeth become clean, which freshens the dog’s breath.


Every product has its downsides, so what are the downsides of using Greenies dog treats?

Let’s take a look.

Dogs With Allergies

Some dogs are allergic to some ingredients, so if you forget to pay close attention to the list of ingredients written on the back of the packet, it may result in allergic reactions.

These allergic reactions may be severe, and so if your dog is allergic to any food, be cautious when buying dog treats.

More Greenies Dog treats

It’s important to note that these Greenies dog treats are different, and each product is made specifically for a specific dogs’ age group.

For instance, you cannot make a single type of dog treat and use it for just any dog regardless of its size and age.

Because when it comes to dogs’ dental health, an issue like strengthening their jaws means that you have to make adult dogs’ products different from young dogs’ products.

Because a fully grown dog has much stronger bones than a young puppy, so you can’t strengthen their jaws using the same treats.

The treats for young puppies will be softer and smaller to fit in their mouths, and adults will be more significant and more challenging.

Therefore, we’re going to look at the different Greenies dog treats as the next item.

Greenies Original Regular Natural Dental Dog Treats

These natural dental dog treats are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients helpful to a dog’s body.

They have a unique texture that cleans down the gum, which helps to freshen your dog’s breath.

The treat is tasty, so your dog will love it.

It’s a completely balanced diet that will help in your dog’s body’s growth and maintenance.

They are easy to digest, so you don’t have to worry about indigestions for your dog; he/she is safe with Greenies.

The item is VOHC accepted, and also veterinarian recommended.

There are many benefits, such as clean the tartar and plaque, and it’s bendable to give a better cleaning, and easily digestible.

Greenies Blueberry Natural Dental Dog Treats

This product comes in one packet with 43 packs of blueberry flavored dental treats that contain dried natural blueberries. 

The treat contains natural ingredients that make it a completely balanced diet to help your dog grow and maintain its growth.

These treats have a unique texture that allows the dog’s teeth to sink completely, cleaning the teeth up to the gum.

They’re perfect for small dogs, between 5 to 15 lbs, and with a weight of 2 to 7 kilograms; these instructions help the pet owners.

They’re highly soluble and dissolvable, making them easier to digest for a dog’s digestive tract, reducing the chances of getting stuck in the stomach.

The treats help to maintain healthy gums and freshen a dog’s breath and save you the cost of taking your dog to a professional cleaner.

There are many benefits of this product, such as VOHC accepted,  freshens breath, and easy to digest.

Greenies Fresh Natural Dental Dog Treats

Maybe you have a pup, and you love him/her too much, but you don’t like it when he/she is kissing you because the breath is becoming unbearable for you.

You don’t have to worry anymore; the fresh dental dog treat will solve your problem, and within no time.

You may be wondering why I’m so confident about that; it’s because I’m sure your pup will like these treats, of course.

And as long as your dog takes them, then the treats will take care of the bad breath issues for you.

Better yet, the mint flavor helps it work faster and better, and since they’re easily digestible, then there’s absolutely no reason for you to worry.

The dog treats also contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients vital for your pup’s body, and don’t forget that these treats have low calories, so they won’t contribute to adding so much weight to your dog.

Many benefits come with this product as they have low calories, freshen up the dog’s breath, and are easily digestible.

Greenies Grain-Free Natural Dental Dog Treats 

As seen in this article, one of the main problems associated with dog treats is allergies.

To take care of dogs with allergies, Greenies came up with a grain-free product that is specifically helpful to those pups that are allergic to grains.

This grain-free dog treats dried potatoes in place of grains that improve its taste and make it more delicious.

The treats can be used as a dog snack even without cleaning the dog’s teeth because it is a completely balanced diet.

However, if your dog has a bad smell, and you want to correct that, it’s time you try this treat; don’t avoid your dog’s kiss any longer.

A pup is very friendly and knows how to express his/her love through small kisses, and avoiding him/her makes one feel guilty.

This product’s benefits include a unique texture and design for better cleaning and tartar and plaque removal.

It is highly soluble and digestible, solving swallowing, and it cleans the dog’s teeth up to the gumline.

Greenies Holiday Gingerbread Flavor Dental Dog Treats

This holiday gingerbread flavor dental treat is made with natural ingredients and has other nutrients helpful to a dog’s body.

Its flavor (gingerbread) makes it the perfect holiday treat for your dog; he/she will like it.

Besides being a tasty and delicious snack for your pup, it will also clean and freshen his/her teeth.

The treats are easy to digest, so there are no worries about indigestion and related problems.

The product is perfect for dogs with 25 to 50 lbs and 11 to 22 kilograms; the instructions help remove the dog owners’ doubts about the recommended food for their dogs.

The Greenies gingerbread flavor dog treats are VOHC accepted and veterinarian recommended.

This product’s benefits include a great flavor, it fights tartar and plaque, and it is VOHC accepted.

Greenies Canine Pill Pockets Peanut Butter Capsule

Has your pup ever been sick before?

If yes, what kind of medicine did you give him to make him better?

I hope it’s not tablets or capsules.

If they were, I’m assuming you know how that felt like; if not, then don’t wish for that to happen.

Unless your pup is different, most of them hate taking medicines, and even the smell of a med will make him/her avoid you the whole day.

But now, you don’t have to worry; using Greenies pill pockets treat will be the best way to trick your dog into taking the tablets.

All you have to do is take the tablets, fit them inside the pill pocket, and pinch both sides of the bag to hide the meds.

Other than hiding the tablets, this pill pocket treat comes in different flavors like chicken and peanut butter, which will prevent your dog from smelling and even tasting the medicine.

Your buddy will take the pills without even knowing it; he will find it delicious and tasty and will be so happy.

This product has the following benefits as helps your pup take medications, it has great flavors that any dog will love, and it is veterinarian recommended.

Greenies Dog Dental Chew Treats Teenie

If you’re one of the many pet owners who consider the country of origin before buying any pet foods, these dog treats are made in the United States.

The best part is that it’s made of natural vitamins, minerals, and chlorophyll to help body maintenance. 

The best age is teenies, a dog between 2 and 7 kilograms, and 5 to 15 lbs.

So yes, this is for young dogs, and it’s entirely for oral health through cleaning the teeth and improving jaw strength.

They come in different flavors like Apple and Rice, which are delicious enough to leave your pup tail wagging.

The treat meets the guidelines from VOHC and is a veterinarian-recommended product.

The benefits of this product are many great flavors, veterinarian recommended, and it has natural ingredients.

What Others Are Saying

Other dog lovers are very impressed by the Greenies dog treats because they are now digestible and highly soluble.

Pet owners’ main concern was when the treats were indigestible, but since the Nutro company rectified the product, the customers are generally impressed.

The dog treats from the Greenies are readily available from different markets and online retail shops, making them reliable.

They also love the Greenies dental treats flavors and their ability to perform other functions in the dogs’ bodies, like weight management, which is a big bonus.

Why You Should Choose Greenies Dog Treats

Greenies dental chews are designed to fit a range of dogs depending on size and age, unlike other dental chews from other companies that use a one-size-fits-all approach.

The company making Greenies products has continuously conducted advanced research dogs and product development, and its products are VOHC accepted.

Greeny is a big brand whose products are trustworthy because people use them from all over the world, and their supply is constant, so there are only a few instances that you’re likely to miss them from the market.

Final Thoughts

Although there were negative greenies dog treats and uproar from the public, the company recalled the most harmful products to dogs and cats.

After the uproar, the company conducted its research and realized what the problem was, and they improved all their products accordingly.

According to many veterinarians, the new and improved Greenies products are quite helpful and beneficial to dogs, both in body maintenance and dental health.

Some Greenies products have more roles other than cleaning a dog’s teeth, like weight management.

As seen earlier, the benefits of the Greenies dog treats are more than their downside, so they’re good for your pup.

The major disadvantage is for dogs with allergies, but this is easily solvable without causing many concerns.

All you need to do is read the ingredients written at the back of the Greenies packet, and if you find anything from the ingredient list that your pup is not supposed to consume, don’t feed it to him/her.

But still, there are a variety of Greenies products to choose from, as we’ve seen in this article, so you can try to find the perfect one for your dog.

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